@ Plymouth Township Building, 700 Belvoir Road
Cooking With Lorena Ages: 4+ with adult
Come and learn to cook with your child! In these classes you will learn how to prepare some delicious Italian food. Ingredients are included, you may need to bring some cooking utensils. The price is for an adult and child. Additional child price: $30
Price/class: $60 RES / $75 NR
9/27 Homemade pasta and a simple marinara sauce
Program # 401110.01
10/11 Lasagna (meat or veggie)
Program # 401110.02
10/25 Pasta carbonara and pasta calccio e peppe
Program # 401110.03
11/8 Chicken parmesan
Program # 401110.04
11/22 Sauces class: marinara, bechamel and bolognese sauce
Program # 401110.05
12/6 Tiramisu
Program # 401110.06
12/13 Cookie decorating and craft (6PM-7PM)
Program # 401110.07