If you’re currently in need of a photo ID, birth certificate, Social Security card, voter registration information or social services applications, an upcoming photo ID clinic can assist you with your application.
You’re invited to stop by the clinic between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday, May 13 at the New Life Internet Café, 19 W. Marshall St., Norristown. Please be sure to bring personal identification paperwork, such as your Social Security card, old photo ID or driver’s license, military ID, marriage or divorce certificates, passport, naturalization or citizenship certificate, or your birth certificate.
You’ll also need proof of residence, such as a rental agreement, mortgage paperwork, utility bills, medical bills, W-2 forms, work ID, tax returns or bank statements.
This clinic, sponsored by the Nueva Vida Norristown New Life Mennonite Church, will also assist you in preparing applications for SNAP, voter registration, 2013–15 tax returns, FAFSA and Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate applications for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.
In addition to the photo ID services provided during the clinic, the New Life Internet Café is open daily with access to 10 computer stations that have Wi-Fi and a bilingual staff. For more information about programs and services, call Karlton Glick at 610-310-8032.
For questions on this event, please call 610-945-6398.
For any questions about state government-related issues, don’t hesitate to contact my office.
Township Offices are closed.
No trash or recycling – If a holiday falls on your recycle day, your recycling will be picked up on Wednesday of that week.
Township offices are closed.
There is no trash or recycling pickup.
If a holiday falls on your recycle day, your recycling will be picked up on Wednesday of that week.
The Plymouth Township Council Workshop has been rescheduled from Monday, August 7 to Wednesday, August 9.
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